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30 Desert Willow Tree Seeds
30 Desert Willow Tree Seeds
30 Desert Willow Tree Seeds
30 Desert Willow Tree Seeds
30 Desert Willow Tree Seeds

30 Desert Willow Tree Seeds

Regular price $14.99 Sale

Tree Seeds of the Desert Willow (Chilopsis linearis), Fast, Showy, and Fragrant

Put Sweet Desert Willow on your planting list if you're searching for a lovely, quickly growing shrub or small tree for a garden that can withstand drought. Desert Willow is a tiny, deciduous tree or shrub with a leaning, twisting stem and an open, spreading crown that is native to the Southwest United States and Northern Mexico.

It can reach heights of 15 to 40 feet. It has trumpet-shaped, vibrantly colored flowers and thin, bright green leaves that resemble willows. With a length of 4 to 12 inches and a width of 1/3 inch, leaves are both opposing and alternate. The flower has a funnel-like, Catalpa-like shape, measures 1 to 1 1/2 inches long, and spreads into 5 ruffled, petal-like lobes at the opening. Flowers range in hue from white to purple, and they frequently have white, yellow, and purple streaks throughout them.

  • Leaf: 3 to 5 inches long, 1/4 to 3/8 inches wide, alternate and opposite or whorled, linear, frequently slightly curled, green above.
  • Attractive, bell-shaped flower, 1 inch long, white to pale lavender with purple and yellow streaks inside the neck, blooms in late spring and summer in long clusters at the ends of twigs.
  • Fruit: A long, slender brown capsule that grows somewhat twisted and ripens in the fall. It is 6 to 12 inches long and contains numerous fluffy, winged seeds.
  • Twig: Slender, green at first, turning gray-brown; tiny buds.
  • Gray-brown bark that has lighter-colored breaks and fissures subsequently develops shallow furrows and turns scaly.
  • Form: Up to 30 feet tall, ranging from a large shrub to a small tree, frequently with a twisted crown.
  • Zone: Hardy to -3 degrees Fahrenheit (7 to 11).
  • Fast to Moderate Growth Rate
  • Species of Plant: Deciduous Shrub or Tree
  • the Bignoniaceae family
  • Indigenous Area: North America
  • 14 to 40 feet tall
  • 10 to 20 feet wide
  • rounded and spreading
  • Bloom Period: Spring through Autumn
  • Daytime Sun
  • No fall hues at all
  • High tolerance for drought. can endure as little as 10 inches of rain annually.
  • Water level: Low
  • Low maintenance

Plant Desert Willow trees in full sun or light shade, depending on the site requirements and soil tolerances. Although it may grow in a variety of soil types, it thrives on soil that drains well. Allow the soil to completely dry out before watering again or modify the planting hole with quick-draining soil to prevent root rot in Desert Willow.

Water the Desert Willow deeply every five to seven days during the first year of growth. Every two weeks in the summer and every month in the winter, water established Desert Willow trees. To repair winter damage, prune in the spring as the leaves start to appear. Pruning only the lowest limbs each spring until the tree reaches the desired height can help you preserve a single trunk.

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