10 Mixed Colors Plumeria Seeds - Seed World
10 Mixed Colors Plumeria Seeds - Seed World
10 Mixed Colors Plumeria Seeds - Seed World
10 Mixed Colors Plumeria Seeds - Seed World
10 Mixed Colors Plumeria Seeds - Seed World
10 Mixed Colors Plumeria Seeds - Seed World
10 Mixed Colors Plumeria Seeds - Seed World
10 Mixed Colors Plumeria Seeds - Seed World
10 Mixed Colors Plumeria Seeds - Seed World
10 Mixed Colors Plumeria Seeds - Seed World
10 Mixed Colors Plumeria Seeds - Seed World
10 Mixed Colors Plumeria Seeds - Seed World

10 Mixed Colors Plumeria Seeds

Regular price $19.99 Sale

Mixed Colors Plumeria Seeds - Lei Flower Frangipani Mix Pink Red Yellow White

The lovely blooms of the Plumeria appear on shrubs and small trees with widely spaced thick succulent branches. Each of the separate species of Plumeria bears differently shaped leaves with distinct forms and growth habits. Some leaves are quite narrow and corrugated and others are an elongated shape and glossy dark-green color. The everblooming types have evergreen leaves.

Plumeria is native to Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean, and South America as far south as Brazil but has been spread throughout the world's tropics. In several Pacific islands, such as Tahiti, Fiji, Samoa, Hawaii, New Zealand, and Tonga, and in the Cook Islands Plumeria species are used for making leis.

Plumeria flowers are most fragrant at night in order to lure sphinx moths to pollinate them. The flowers have no nectar and simply dupe their pollinators. The moths inadvertently pollinate them by transferring pollen from flower to flower in their fruitless search for nectar. The delicious Plumeria fragrance is loved worldwide and Indian incenses containing Plumeria have "Champa" in its name, for example, Nag Champa.

In colder climates, Plumerias should be grown in containers. They make beautiful potted plants for the patio or greenhouse. In milder climates, plumeria can be grown outdoors in the ground, where they may be a small beautiful landscape tree.

When temperatures dip into the low 40s they may be stored in their containers or uprooted carefully trying to take as much root as possible and stored over winter in a heated basement or garage where temperatures are kept above freezing. As soon as temperatures rise outdoors they can be brought out and planted again. They will resume growth, leaf out, and begin to grow as if nothing happened.

The real payoff comes during the early summer through the early fall months, when very fragrant clusters of showy, waxy flowers provide the makings for your own Hawaiian Lei. There is absolutely nothing like the sweet fragrance of Plumeria in flower, with fragrances of jasmine, citrus, spices, gardenia, and other indescribable scents.

These flowers are treasured by the Polynesian Islanders for their durability, fragrances, and colors of whites, yellows, pinks, reds, and multiple pastels. Flowering can last up to 3 months at a time producing new blooms every day. Once picked, a bloom can last for several days without wilting if kept in water.

Name: Plumeria
Other Common Names: Frangipani / Lei Flower
Scientific Name: Plumeria
Color: Mixed Colors
Plant Seeds: Outdoors After Danger of Frost / Indoors Weeks Before Last Frost
Bloom Time: Mid Summer
Hardiness Zone: 10 - 11 (or as a Houseplant)
Plant Height: 15 - 20'
Plant Spacing: 6 - 10'
Light Requirements: Sun - Part Shade
Soil and Water Preferences: Average