10 Double Red Geranium Seeds - Seed World

10 Double Red Geranium Seeds

Regular price $26.27 Sale

The tiny leaves have a characteristic rounded shape, with contrasting bands of maroon. Aw, shucks they're cute! But the power β€” the thing that tells you spring is coming and gives you hope β€” is in the smell, that one-of-a-kind geranium fragrance. Even in the dead of winter, those tiny leaves smell like summer on the porch.

Many gardeners know about starting geraniums from cuttings. It's a great way to share treasured plants, and it feels thrifty. And gardeners love things that are thrifty. But if you start plants from seed, you get to choose from a range of colors: bright red, scarlet, bicolors, orange-salmon, coral, pink, white, and lavender. And instead of feeling thrifty, you feel clever.

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