25 Black Knight Morning Glory Vine Seeds - Seed World

20 Black Knight Morning Glory Vine Seeds

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Black Knight Morning Glory Seeds Annual Flower Flowers Climbing Vine

Morning glory flowers (Ipomoea purpurea or Convolvulus Purpureus) are a common sight in many landscapes and may be found in any number of species within the Calystegia, Convolvulus, Ipomoea, Merremia, and Rivea genera. While some varieties are described as a noxious weeds in some areas, the fast-growing vining plants can also make lovely additions to the garden if kept in check.

All morning glory plants produce attractive funnel-shaped blossoms of various shades like white, red, blue, purple, and yellow with heart-shaped leaves. Blooming usually occurs anywhere from May through September, opening in the morning and closing in the afternoon. Most types are annual, though in some warmer regions they will come back yearly or may re-seed themselves in almost any zone they grow in.

Zone 1-10
Full Sun
Bloom Season Summer to Fall
Ornamental Use Borders, Cut Flowers, Trellis, or Lattice
Features Attract Bees, Hummingbirds, Butterfly
Life Cycle Perennial, Annual
Soil Average, Consistently moist, and well drained