Highbush Blueberry has lovely red fall foliage and if you don’t get around to picking the berries the birds will be glad to do it for you. This mixture contains 6 different varieties of Northern Highbush types, so you are getting the best of the best. The seeds have already been pre-stratified saving you months of time and are ready to plant.
Blueberry seeds are slow germinators, the first seeds will probably start to germinate in about a month, and finish germinating over the next 2-3 months. Blueberries should be started in a separate container from other varieties that germinate quickly because they can take longer to sprout up. These seeds have been stratified to get the highest possible germination rate.
Name: Highbush Blueberry Scientific Name: Vaccinium Corymbosum Color: White Flowers Plant Seeds: Outdoors After Frost / Indoors Weeks Before Last Frost Bloom Time: Flowers in Spring / Fruit in Summer Hardiness Zone: 3 - 9 Plant Height: 36 - 60" Plant Spacing: 72" Light Requirements: Sun - Part Shade Soil & Water Preferences: Average