2 Bulbs Caladium Fancy Leaf 'pink Beauty' | Elephant Ear, Heart-Shaped
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Pink Beauty is a pink Fancy Leaf caladium variety. These shade to full sun-loving caladium bulbs or tubers are great for adding easy color to your late spring and summer plantings. Pink Beauty is considered medium in height (1.5 ft). Pink Beauty caladium bulbs are tropical foliage plants that are easy to grow in landscaping, pots, and planters. Pink Beauty caladiums have small to medium-sized leaves with bubble gum-colored pink spots and blotches, dark pink veins, and pink mottling.
The coloration of this variety varies depending on where it is planted and the light conditions. At times it can appear more green in overall color. Caladium bulbs originated in the Amazon Basin, which is why they require and thrive in the warm summer day and night temperatures. Caladiums are from the Araceae family and mix well with other annuals, Hosta’s, ferns, and foliage.
Caladiums are extremely easy to grow in moist, well-drained soil. These shade-loving but sun-tolerant plants thrive in heat and humidity. Soil temperature needs to be 70F or higher when planting. For a bushier plant (shorter and with more leaves) remove the main bud, this is called de-eying. After planting, it could take 3-6 weeks for the leaves to emerge. Place them in the sun for several days. Store in mesh or paper bags between 65F – 70F.
Greenhouse Growing Instructions: Maintain temperature above 70°F even at night. For best results, water should also be 60-70°F, keep evenly moist at all times. Moderate light levels are optimal and no fertilizer is necessary. Generally, finish in 8-10 weeks based on growing conditions.
Transplanting Instructions: Use well-draining potting soil with high organic content. If planting in 4 or 6" pots this variety can be "de-eyed" to increase leaf count and uniformity. Place bulbs flat side down with eyes facing up and cover bulbs with 1.5-2" of soil. Water well.
Fancy leaf caladiums require loose, slightly acidic soil for good root growth and are heavy feeders. Before planting, dig in plenty of peat or pine bark to take care of the first two requirements and add a good dose (1 tbs/plant) of 10-10-10 fertilizer. Plant your tubers 2 to 8 inches (5-20 cm.) apart, depending on size. A fancy leaf caladium’s tubers need warm, about 70 degrees F. (21 C.) soil to grow. If the soil is too cool, the bulbs tend to rot.
In order to thrive, the soil conditions should mimic the soil that “angel wings” grow in their native environment; rich, moist, and well-draining. For the best results, mix a form of organic matter into the soil, such as compost.
USDA Zone: 3-10
Climate: Tropical Wet
Common Name: Elephant Ear
Color: Red
Season of Interest: Spring, Summer
Type: Bulbs
Life Cycle: Perennial
Watering: Medium
Genus: Caladium
Sunlight: Partial Shade
Features: Dwarf
Cultivating Difficulty: Very Easy
Quantity: 2 Bulbs Caladium Fancy Leaf 'pink Beauty'