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20 Silver Maple Seeds - Seed World
20 Silver Maple Seeds - Seed World
20 Silver Maple Seeds - Seed World
20 Silver Maple Seeds - Seed World
20 Silver Maple Seeds - Seed World

10 Silver Maple Seeds

Regular price $15.99 Sale

Silver Maple Seeds | Acer saccharinum Laciniatum Native Tree

The Silver Maple Tree (Acer saccharinum) is a very fast-growing and incredibly popular deciduous maple with leaves that are green on top and silvery-white on the underside and seem to shimmer and dance in the breeze.

It produces red, yellow, and silver clusters of small flowers in early spring and yields pairs of winged seeds over 3" long that ripen in late spring. They are the largest seeds of all native maples. Grows in a vase shape and has a wide-spreading root system and a trunk that can become quite massive.

It is best to plant the tree away from sidewalks, foundations, and sewer lines due to the super large root systems. The silver maple’s buds are eaten by squirrels in early spring. It also provides nesting sites for ducks and other birds. Beavers find the trees delicious. This tree grows at a fast rate, with height increases of more than 24" per year.

Height: 50-80'
Width: 35-50'
Prefers full sun to partial shade
Zones: 3-9

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