Red African Tulip Tree Spathodea Campanulata Fire Tree Flower Seeds
This African native is fast-growing and has evergreen leaves. These trees grow up to 60' in Africa.
They grow 6’ a year and add 2” of diameter to their trunks per year. The tree will bloom when it is 3 years old.
The leaves of the plant are hardy to 28-30F and the roots are hardy to 22F, so they are pretty tolerant of the cold. The huge, brightly colored flowers are absolutely breathtaking!
Name: Red African Tulip Tree Other Common Names: Fire Tree / Flame of the Forest / Fountain Tree Scientific Name: Spathodea campanulata Color: Crimson Red Softball Sized Showy Clusters of Flowers That Resemble Tulips Plant Seeds: Outdoors After Frost / Indoors Weeks Before Last Frost Bloom Time: Summer Hardiness Zone: 10 - 11 (or in Containers) Plant Height: Up to 60' (or Pruned to Desired Size Indoors) Plant Spacing: 40' / Containers Light Requirements: Sun Soil & Water Preferences: Average