Rose of Jericho
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- The Rose Of Jericho goes from seemingly dead to life magically just add water.
- When placed in a bowl of water, it perks up within about four hours
- Many people enjoy witnessing this seemingly miraculous recovery and will allow their plants to shrivel up completely between waterings.
- The Rose Of Jericho is actually a primitive plant – much like a living fossil.
- As soon as there is free moisture, the seemingly dead bundle of vegetation unfurls, becoming a soft, fern-like plant with soft, green fronds.
- Many people seek for this unique plant because it comes with religious legends.
- Its natural growth cycle alone is intriguing, and this is what has led to the many beliefs and superstitions which surround this intriguing plant.
- Can preserve its seeds for over 50 years
"The Resurrection Plant" grows in dry deserts where it is perfectly adapted to survive, even when there is no water available for years at a stretch. It curls in on itself, forming a little tumbleweed-like ball of vegetation in which it protects itself until the rains come or it finds some moisture. As soon as there is free moisture, the seemingly dead bundle of vegetation unfurls, becoming a soft, fern-like plant with soft, green fronds.
Instructions: Rose of Jericho requires little care apart from regular watering. Place in a bowl and fill with water. Watch as the plant slowly unfurls in a matter of hours. Don't leave it in water for more than a day as it can mold. Repeat this process.