Premium Deer Food Plot Seed Mix Alfalfa Ladino Clover Red Clover Chicory!
This is a premium Deer Food Plot Seed Mix that consists of the most favored forages for deer. The mix is comprised of Alfalfa, Ladino White Clover, Medium Red Clover, and Chicory.
It has been proven that these forages are by far the most preferred by deer and we have combined them into one high-quality seed mix. The seed comes from a fresh new crop seed and is a minimum of 90% or better germination.
Plant from January thru April at the rate of 5 to 10 lbs per acre. The seed can simply be broadcasted in the winter months and then the freezing and thawing effect will work the seed into the ground.
When the soil temperatures become warmer, the seed will germinate and will grow all the way through the Spring and early Summer months. Deer will be attracted to this lush high protein forage and will tend to stay in the area.
Quantity: 1lb. Premium Deer Food Plot Seed - Mix