Creeping Winter Savory Satureja Montana Herb Flower Seeds
Winter Savory is a rare unique herb with a taste reminiscent of thyme. Its leaves are thicker and stronger than Summer Savory and are also more aromatic. The leaves can be harvested at any time during the growing season, and they can be used fresh or dried.
This herb is most commonly used to flavor beans, soups, and stews. Winter Savory can also be made into a tea to calm indigestion or gargled to soothe sore throats. This plant is a very vigorous grower and forms a boxwood-like low-border shrub.
It is also easily grown in containers, and while it is a hardy perennial, the plants will overwinter nicely indoors for fresh leaves year-round. Outdoors, will attract bees, birds, & butterflies.
Name: Winter Savory
Other Common Names: Creeping Winter Savory
Scientific Name: Satureja Montana
Color: Pink
Plant Seeds: Outdoors After Frost / Indoors Weeks Before Last Frost
Bloom Time: Spring
Harvest: 100 Days
Hardiness Zone: 3 - 8
Plant Height: 6 - 12"
Plant Spacing: 12 - 15"
Light Requirements: Sun - Part Shade
Soil & Water Preferences: Average - Dry