Neem - Divine Tree (Azadirachta indica)
This is a beautiful medium tree that gets green leaves, and clusters of white flowers. It is a rounded upright grower to 20 to 35 feet, and this is deciduous. They are hardy to at least USDA zone 7 and possibly colder.
Name: Neem, Divine Tree
Scientific Name: Azadirachta indica
Hardiness zone: 9+
Plant height: 30-40 feet
Light requirements: full sun to part shade
Soil & water preferences grow well in well-drained soils.
Growing Instructions:
1. Scarification: None required
2. stratification: None required
3. germination: sow seed in a very warm location (80 degrees Fahrenheit) and water once daily. Once seedlings germinate keep warm in the sun and allow the soil surface to dry out between waterings.