Mammoth Long Island Dill Seeds originally named Long Island Dill this tall billowing relative of Queen Anne's Lace and Carrots is perfect for edible landscaping container gardens and pickles.
All parts of the plant-leaves stem flowers and seeds can be used to impart dill flavor to dishes. Beyond its pungent flavor and culinary versatility, dill has a long history of medicinal use.
Ancient Egyptians referred to dill as a soother; gladiators believed it imparted courage churchgoers felt the seeds imbued alertness and villagers considered dill a protective charm.
Dill (and other members of the carrot family) are the sole food plants for the caterpillars of the beautiful Black Swallowtail butterfly.
Lacewings and Syrphid fly adults eat the pollen of dill and other carrot family plants, and their larvae prey on plant-sucking aphids.
Dill plants scattered here and there throughout a garden will help control aphids.
Anethum graveolens Annual Herb Full sun Spring, soil temp 65F+ SOW 3 seeds per plant 1/4"deep,about 24"apart. Keep moist Germination 21-28 Days Thin to single best seedling. Use scissors to cut out unwanted sprouts Height 36"+ x 24" Wide Medium water. Light organic fertilizer
yes id did buy and receive bamboo seeds from you. i planted same and now cautiously await some indication the sprouting will begin. we are in northern nj where it is quite cold so i am keeping the plantings in a planter system we use for seedlings. only time luck and patience will tell the ultimate story. if the seeds come to be small plants we will replant into pots until spring and after that we are guardedly optimistic. thanks for the request and service. stewart a farber
I do not have an indoor garden so I am waiting until spring to plant. I will try planting closer to Feb or March in small pods watering with spray bottle, and slowly introduce the plants to outdoor conditions.