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25 Golden Yellow Hollyhock Seeds - Seed World

25 Golden Yellow Hollyhock Seeds

Regular price $14.99 Sale

Hollyhocks are classic English cottage garden plants that are favorites of many flower-border gardeners. The tall, stately flower stalks yield hibiscus-shaped flowers along their stems that bloom from summer until fall. Hollyhocks are short-lived perennials or biennial plants. The short-lived perennials will last 2 to 3 years depending on the variety and climate, then will need to be replanted. Biennials mean the first year the plant just grows vegetatively.

The second year it sends up a flower stalk, then dies in the fall. However, hollyhocks are also rampant self-sowers so if you leave some baby hollyhocks in the garden each fall, you’ll have some in flower each summer. Hollyhocks grow best in USDA zone 4 to 8 climates.

The flowers range in colors from white to deep red and purple. There are single and double flower shapes and although the plants can grow to 9 feet tall, there are dwarf versions that can grow well in containers.

Sun Requirements: Full to part sun
Bloom Period and Seasonal Color: Hollyhocks bloom from mid to late summer
Mature Height x Spread: 4 to 9 feet tall and 2 to 3 feet wide. There are dwarf selections as well.