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200 Ironweed - Vernonia Fasciculata Seeds
200 Ironweed - Vernonia Fasciculata Seeds - Seed World
200 Ironweed - Vernonia Fasciculata Seeds
200 Ironweed - Vernonia Fasciculata Seeds - Seed World

200 Ironweed - Vernonia Fasciculata Seeds

Regular price $11.99 Sale

Ironweed- Vernonia Fasciculata Seeds

Ironweed grows up to 7-8 ft tall, into an attractive purple-flowered perennial bush that blooms during the fall (July through September). It makes for a great border plant and the flowers can go in dried arrangements or to make seasonal bouquets. If you grow ironweed, you will enjoy pretty purple blooms when most of the other flowers are gone. Vernonia fascicula is also edible and boasts multiple medicinal uses.

Most notably, ironweed is known as a blood cleansing herb.
The roots are featured in Aryuvedic medicinal texts for their uses in various tinctures, powders and salves that are applied for uses ranging from gout to dandruff.

Native Americans have used ironweed medicinally for centuries. Ingesting ironweed root stimulates the appetite and promotes digestion. The roots are also used for stomach ulcer tea, and the leaves to make menstrual tea.

All in all, ironweed makes for a complimentary addition to the herb garden. Companion plant ironweed alongside Joe Pye weed, blue vervain, boneset, or Culver's root.

Season: Perennial
USDA Zones: 4 - 9
Height: 48 - 72 inches
Bloom Season: Summer
Bloom Color: Purple
Environment: Full sun
Soil Type: Moist, fertile, pH 6.1 - 7.5
Foliage Color: Green

Temperature: 65F
Average Germ Time: 14 - 21 days
Light Required: Yes
Depth: 1/8 - 1/4 inch
Sowing Rate: 1 ounce per 1,000 square feet
Moisture: Keep seeds moist until germination
Plant spacing: 12 - 24 inches

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