10 Organic Purple Dead-Nettle Seeds - Seed World
25 Organic Purple Dead-Nettle Seeds

25 Organic Purple Dead-Nettle Seeds

Regular price $15.99 Sale

Organic Purple Dead Nettle Seeds - Lamium Purpureum Archangel

A member of the Mint family. Though superficially similar in appearance, it is not related to Nettle and does not sting.

Lamium Purpureum is commonly known as Purple or Red Dead-Nettle, Red Henbit, and Purple Archangel.

Purple Dead-Nettle can grow throughout the year, including in mild weather in winter. This allows bees to gather their nectar for food when few other nectar sources are available. It is also a prominent source of pollen for bees in March/April when bees need the pollen as protein to build up their nest.

Young plants have edible tops and leaves, used in salads or in stir-fry as a spring vegetable. If finely chopped it can also be used in sauces.

Undyed, the pollen itself is red color and is very noticeable on the heads of bees that frequent its flowers.

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