Gazania attracts bees, butterflies, and birds. Since it is tolerant of dry conditions, it is an excellent choice for container growing. The vibrant dazzling colors of this ‘Stars & Stripes’ mix make it a wonderful cut flower.
Name: Kontiki Stars and Stripes Gazania Mix
Other Common Names: Treasure Flower
Scientific Name: Gazania Ringens
Color: Orange, Red-orange, Gold, Yellow-orange, Bright Yellow, Brown, Bronze, Rose, Mauve, Cream, Tan, Red, Scarlet
Plant Seeds: Outdoors After Frost / Indoors Weeks Before Last Frost
Bloom Time: Spring - All Summer (Repeat Bloomer)
Hardiness Zone: 8 - 10
Plant Height: 6 - 9"
Plant Spacing: 6 - 9"
Light Requirements: Sun
Soil and Water Preferences: Average - Dry