10 Bonsai Juniper Tree Seeds - Seed World
10 Bonsai Juniper Tree Seeds - Seed World

10 Bonsai Juniper Tree Seeds

Regular price $24.95 Sale

Bonsai Juniper Tree Seeds for Planting Highly Prized for Bonsai

Juniperus Chinensis (Chinese Juniper) is a juniper that grows as a shrub or tree with a very variable shape, reaching 1–20 m tall. This native of northeast Asia grows in China, Mongolia, Japan, Korea, and southeast Russia.

Botanical Nomenclature: Juniperus Chinensis
Common Name: Chinese Juniper
Family: Cupressaceae

It is a coniferous evergreen shrub. The leaves grow in two forms, juvenile needle-like leaves 5–10 mm long, and adult scale leaves 1.5–3 mm long. Mature trees usually continue to bear some juvenile foliage as well as adult, particularly on shaded shoots low in the crown.

The blue-black berry-like cones grow to 7–12 mm in diameter, have a whitish waxy bloom, and contain 2–4 seeds; they mature in about 18 months. The male cones, 2–4 mm long, shed their pollen in early spring.

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Not cheap but it is quality seeds

You get what you pay for