20 Corsican Mint Seeds - Seed World
20 Corsican Mint Seeds - Seed World
20 Corsican Mint Seeds - Seed World
20 Corsican Mint Seeds - Seed World
20 Corsican Mint Seeds - Seed World

20 Corsican Mint Seeds

Regular price $16.99 Sale

Corsican Mint is an herb native to the Island of Corsica & mainland Italy. It has also been naturalized in Portugal & the British Isles. This low-growing ground cover is one of the smallest mints. It only grows to about 1” tall with small leaves that measure only about 5mm (1/8”) long.

Check out photo #3 to see a size comparison of Peppermint versus Corsican Mint. Blooming in shades of lilac to mauve, its flowers are proportionately sized, but will still attract pollinators like butterflies. Corsican Mint is very fragrant & has an aroma similar to Peppermint.

A “Walk on Me” plant, Corsican Mint is a perfect choice for growing between stepping stones or for edging walkways. This mint can grow in sandy or heavy clay soils, & is much more tolerant of shade & dry conditions than other mints. It is thought to be one of the best mints to grow as a companion for brassica plants like broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, etc.

It repels certain pest insects, in part by obscuring the smell of the crop to be protected, and can also enhance the flavor of the crops. Its miniature size makes it perfect for fairy gardens, & it will also be happy to grow in containers so is a great choice for a potted kitchen herb garden. Perennial down to zone 5, Corsican Mint will reseed itself for new plants the following year even in cooler climates.

Corsican Mint’s leaves are edible, & can be used raw in salads, as a garnish, made into an herbal tea, added to any cooked dishes for flavor, & is most well known as the flavoring in the liqueur crùme de menthe. Additionally, this herb has many traditional medicinal uses, and peppermint essential oil is also extracted from the plant.

Name: Corsican Mint
Scientific Name: Mentha Requienii
Color: Lilac - Mauve Flowers
Plant Seeds: Outdoors After Frost / Indoors Weeks Before Last Frost
Bloom Time: Summer (June - Aug in the N Hemisphere)
Harvest: Any Time
Hardiness Zone: 5 - 9
Plant Height: 1"
Plant Spacing: 6 - 10"
Light Requirements: Sun - Part Shade
Soil & Water Preferences: Average

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