Common Persimmon Diospyros Virginian, Native Edible Fruit Tree Seeds
Persimmon is a member of the ebony family. The wood is extremely hard and has been used to make golf club heads, billiard cues and shoe lasts.
Drought tolerant Common Persimmon grows native throughout the Eastern and mid-western areas of the United States. It is native in Connecticut to Kansas and in the south, from Florida through Texas. Heights range from 35-60 ft. with a spread of 25-35 ft. Showy white to yellow blooms of Diospyros virginian appear around May through June and then set fruits that are high in Vitamin C content.
Ripe fruits can be eaten raw cooked or dried.
Grow Zones: 4,5,6,7,8,9
Other names: American Persimmon, Florida Persimmon, Possumwood
Other Uses for Persimmon Fruits:
The leaves and roasted seeds can be used as a coffee substitute! Save the pulp for molasses, jam or pie fillings for an interesting new flavor twist. A delicious pudding is made out of the pulp in Asia.
How to Care for Persimmon Trees:
Grows in full sun to part shade. Prefers moist, sandy soils however will grow in in clay soil, dry soil, and rocky soils. Promptly remove root suckers unless naturalized effect is desired. Female trees need a male pollinator in order to set fruit. Fertilize yearly with standard 10-10-10 fertilizer mix.