Prairie Smoke Flower Seeds will transform your garden with their fluffy blossoms that are evocative of natural plains. These hardy perennials offer a touch of elegance to any outdoor space and are perfect for both experienced and beginning gardeners. They flourish in a variety of settings.
Cultivate a haven of rustic charm with no upkeep as each smokey plume turns your landscape into a tapestry of subdued colors that captures the everlasting splendor of the prairie in all seasons.
Season: Suitable for planting in spring to early summer
USDA Zones: Thrives in USDA zones 3–8
Height: Variable, typically ranging from 12 to 18 inches
Bloom Season: Blooms in late spring to early summer
Environment: Flourishes in a variety of environments, adaptable to different conditions
Soil Type: Prefers well-drained soil
Deer Resistant: Generally resistant to deer
Latin Name: Geum triflorum
Temperature: Flourishes in temperatures between 65 - 75°F
Average Germ Time: Germination typically occurs within 21–30 days
Light Required: Prefers partial to full sun for optimal growth
Depth: Plant seeds at a depth of 1/8 to 1/4 inch in well-drained soil
Sowing Rate: Follow recommended guidelines, typically spaced 12–18 inches apart
Moisture: Maintain even moisture during germination and provide adequate water for established plants
Plant Spacing: Space plants according to mature size, typically 12–18 inches apart
Germination Procedure:
Cold-stratify seeds in a freezer for two months before sowing to initiate germination. When the weather is warm, plant seeds on the top layer of damp soil. Since the seeds require moisture and sunlight to sprout, do not bury or cover them. Throughout the whole eight-week germination process, keep the soil and seeds moist.
Grow your own Geum triflorum garden from fresh seed today!
yes id did buy and receive bamboo seeds from you. i planted same and now cautiously await some indication the sprouting will begin. we are in northern nj where it is quite cold so i am keeping the plantings in a planter system we use for seedlings. only time luck and patience will tell the ultimate story. if the seeds come to be small plants we will replant into pots until spring and after that we are guardedly optimistic. thanks for the request and service. stewart a farber
I do not have an indoor garden so I am waiting until spring to plant. I will try planting closer to Feb or March in small pods watering with spray bottle, and slowly introduce the plants to outdoor conditions.