5 Yellow Hydrangea Seeds - Seed World
5 Yellow Hydrangea Seeds - Seed World

5 Yellow Hydrangea Seeds

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Hydrangeas are attractive flowering shrubs that are easy to grow from seed in home landscapes. Several species of hydrangea seeds are readily available from home and garden stores as well as seed catalogs.

Hydrangeas are commonly planted as specimen plants or used to create colorful shrub borders.

The shrubs develop numerous long-lasting flowers that bloom from summer through fall. Hydrangeas are hardy plants that are easy to grow and care for indoors before you transplant them into your landscape.

This shrub is native to southern and eastern Asia and the Americas.

Height: This varies considerably. Grandiflora are the tallest and are really small trees that can reach 25 feet (7.5 meters), while Sikes Dwarf tops out at 3-4 feet (90-120 cm)

Light: Most hydrangeas need 3-4 hours of sunlight to flower well.

Temperature: Depends very much on variety, H.arborescens may need winter protection if the temperature falls below 0℃ Hardiness Most are very hardy. Occasionally new shoots can be damaged by late frosts Soil Asian varieties prefer acid soil. Flower color may vary depending on soil pH.

Fertilizer: Fertilize your shrub with an organic soil improver or a slow-release shrub fertilizer in early spring.

Propagation From softwood or hardwood cuttings
Pests Hydrangea Scale, Rose chafers
Difficulty: Easy
Zone: 4-9
Bloom- Summer-Fall
Light: Sun- Part Shade
Heat Tolerant

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