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1000 Baby's Breath Gypsophila Seeds - Seed World
1000 Baby's Breath Gypsophila Seeds - Seed World

1000 Baby's Breath Gypsophila Seeds

Regular price $9.99 Sale

Baby's Breath is one of the most popular drought-tolerant wildflowers and it is easy to grow from flower seed.

Baby's Breath has tiny, virtually insignificant flowers compared to other wildflowers, but without Baby's Breath other more showy flowers don't appear to their best advantage. Everything looks better with Baby's Breath around it!

Gypsophila plants grow upright 12 - 24 inches tall and as wide. It is quite drought-tolerant.

The Gypsophila flowers are single-form, one-half inch across, abundant, and typically white but there are cultivars available in pink and rose. Its leaves are 3 inches long, lance-shaped, and fleshy.

Unfortunately, it is a very short-lived annual dying after only 5 - 6 weeks. Successively planting the flower seed every 2 - 3 weeks should ensure never being without it during the growing season.

Flower Specifications

Approximate seeds per pound: 378,000
Season: Annual
USDA Zones: 3 - 10
Height: 12 - 24 inches
Bloom Season: Summer
Bloom Color: White
Environment: Full sun
Soil Type: Well drained, pH 6.6 - 7.8
Deer Resistant: Yes
Latin Name: Gyposophila Elegans

Planting Directions

Temperature: 70F
Average Germ Time: 10 - 20 days
Light Required: Yes
Depth: 1/16 inch
Sowing Rate: 3 ounces per 1,000 square feet or 7 pounds per acre
Moisture: Keep seed moist until germination
Plant Spacing: 10 inches