Regular price $14.99 Sale
This Purple Locoweed is a stunning color you really must see! May be harmful to livestock if ingested.
NAME: Purple LocoweedSCIENTIFIC NAME: Oxytropsis LambertiiOTHER COMMON NAMES: CrazyweedCOLOR: PurplePLANT SEEDS: Outdoors after frost / Indoors weeks before last frostBLOOM TIME: Early SpringHARDINESS ZONE: 3 - 6PLANT HEIGHT: 6 - 12”PLANT SPACING: 9 - 12"LIGHT REQUIREMENTS: SunSOIL & WATER PREFERENCES: DryQUANTITY: 30 Purple Locoweed Seeds
I received my order about 5 days after purchasing it. The envelope was from an individual (I'm assuming whatever seeds you order come from the person who has the stock available). Everything was exactly what I ordered. Good transaction. 👍
Very quick turn around . Colors were not readily available elsewhere.
Have not received order yet
4 Dark Red Desert Rose Seeds
I don't know what to say about the seeds because they still must germinate. But I appreciate the the customer service.