Botanical Nomenclature: acanthus mollis Common name: Acanthus, Tame acanthus, Giant weed, Bear's foot Family: Acanthaceae Origin: Mediterranean region Height: 0.80 - 2.00 meters Lightness: Shadow and Semi Shadow Climate: see description below
Medium-sized herbaceous perennial plant with abundant and lasting flowering. Native to the Mediterranean region of Portugal, Africa, and Croatia. The species was introduced in other regions and countries where it eventually became naturalized and is cultivated for ornamental purposes.
White flowers and purple bracts on hard stems enchant and enhance the shaded areas in our gardens.
The species is tolerant to soil and air salinity prefers to be planted in semi-shade or shade, is resistant to temperatures up to (-7 ° C), and develops best and becomes more exuberant in humid environments, bordering rivers, lakes, or Water mirrors.
Very used for interior decoration, and also produces beautiful dry arrangements.
Roots, fresh leaves, and flowers have emollient, astringent, and antiseptic properties, as well as several other medicinal uses, are also reported.
Curiosities: The leaf of acanthus Mollis was represented and carved in the earliest architectural forms of classical antiquity. The species is considered by historians as the inspiration for the project for the Corinthian capitals of Greco-Roman architecture.
I do not have an indoor garden so I am waiting until spring to plant. I will try planting closer to Feb or March in small pods watering with spray bottle, and slowly introduce the plants to outdoor conditions.