Bring the charm of Van Gogh’s and Monet’s masterpieces to your garden with Red Corn Poppies. These vibrant red flowers are a delight for gardeners and artists alike, creating a stunning field of color. Perfect as annuals in colder zones and perennials in milder climates, they self-sow to return year after year.
Key Features:
Type: Annual (Zones 3–7), Perennial (Zones 8–10)
Color: Red
Height: 12–30 inches
Bloom Time: Spring to early summer
Light: Full Sun | Soil: Well-drained, moist
Planting Instructions:
Sow seeds in late autumn or early spring in cooler zones; in warmer zones, sow in late autumn or winter.
Mix 1 part seed with 5 parts sand and scatter over prepared soil; cover lightly.
Germination: 20 days; thin seedlings to 6–8 inches apart.
Water regularly but avoid overwatering; no fertilizer needed.
Tips for Best Blooms:
Direct sow outdoors for best results.
Extend bloom time by mulching, dead-heading, and successive plantings.
Flowers bloom 60–90 days after planting and can grow up to 4 feet tall.
Create your own masterpiece with Red Corn Poppy Seeds, a timeless addition to any garden!
yes id did buy and receive bamboo seeds from you. i planted same and now cautiously await some indication the sprouting will begin. we are in northern nj where it is quite cold so i am keeping the plantings in a planter system we use for seedlings. only time luck and patience will tell the ultimate story. if the seeds come to be small plants we will replant into pots until spring and after that we are guardedly optimistic. thanks for the request and service. stewart a farber
I do not have an indoor garden so I am waiting until spring to plant. I will try planting closer to Feb or March in small pods watering with spray bottle, and slowly introduce the plants to outdoor conditions.