25 Red Anemone Flower Seeds - Seed World
25 Red Anemone Flower Seeds - Seed World
25 Red Anemone Flower Seeds - Seed World
25 Red Anemone Flower Seeds - Seed World
25 Red Anemone Flower Seeds - Seed World

25 Red Anemone Flower Seeds

Regular price $11.99 Sale

Red Anemone- Pasque Flower- Pulsatilla Vulgaris Seeds

Red Anemone is an early blooming flower that starts late winter to early spring and maintains attractive foliage throughout the summer.  Best suited for zones 4-8 they prefer a light shade that gets full morning sun.

You can start these early in trays about 10 weeks before your last frost. If in trays transplant to larger pots or cells once the true leaves appear ( generally the second set of leaves).

You can also direct seed in your garden in late winter two weeks before your first frost. They prefer sunlight to germinate so till enriched garden soil 6" deep and scatter your seeds on the surface.

In pots cover thinly with vermiculite, or in the garden a very light dusting of peat. Anemones can take up to 60 days to germinate and will not germinate in hot weather. Keep your seeds cool and slightly moist until they germinate. If sown in soggy conditions they will rot before they germinate.

They do not like late-day heat so here in zone 7, we plant them where they get afternoon shade. They do like moist, but not soggy soil, so we plant them in areas of similar flowers such as our hellebores and calla lilies.

Soil temperature: 65 degrees Fahrenheit
Germination lighting: Light required
Germination days: 25 days
Plant spread: 12 inches
Plant height: 12''
Plant type: Perennial

Quantity: 25 Red Anemone Flower Seeds

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