Gaillardia is such long bloomers, they work equally well in borders and containers. The bold flowers blend especially well with soft textures, like thread-leaf Coreopsis and cosmos, as well as airy grasses.
Gaillardia shows well in a mass planting spaced two to three feet apart, as an edging plant along a walk or driveway, or as an accent in a perennial garden or in front of a shrubbery border. Do not over-water since this could induce root rot.
Season: Annual USDA Zones: 2-11 Height: 12” – 18” Bloom Season: June to Frost Bloom Color: Showy Daisy-like flowers that are 3” across in Red, Yellow, Orange or Bicolor with dark centers Light Required: Full sun Depth: lightly cover with soil, light aids in the germination Moisture: well-drained soil Plant Spacing: 12” – 15” Average Germination Time: 14-21 days Germination %: Test 82%
yes id did buy and receive bamboo seeds from you. i planted same and now cautiously await some indication the sprouting will begin. we are in northern nj where it is quite cold so i am keeping the plantings in a planter system we use for seedlings. only time luck and patience will tell the ultimate story. if the seeds come to be small plants we will replant into pots until spring and after that we are guardedly optimistic. thanks for the request and service. stewart a farber
I do not have an indoor garden so I am waiting until spring to plant. I will try planting closer to Feb or March in small pods watering with spray bottle, and slowly introduce the plants to outdoor conditions.