Pepper - Lunchbox Sweet Snacking Heirloom Seeds Non-GMO
Fill your garden with a healthy snack for lunchtime and beyond. These sweet snacking peppers serve both loads of crunch and lots of beta-carotene and vitamin C. They’re ideal for eating straight off the plant, chopped fresh in salads, or sliced thin for stir-fries.
Plants tend to give high yields, so consider staking with a tomato cage when planting in a windy location, to keep stems from breaking. Lunchbox Sweet Snacking Pepper plants work beautifully in containers; plant one per 18-inch pot.
Underplant with dwarf marigolds for a pretty combination. Seeds will be approximately 2-3" long with most being closer to 2” than 3".
- Germination: 7-14 days
- Maturation: 75-80 days
Planting Instructions:
All peppers need heat to germinate and some peppers can take as long as 30 days or more. The recommended easiest and fastest way to germinate is in a small pot with the seed barely covered with soil. Mist and cover with plastic wrap. Check every few days and never let dry out. Sitting on a heating mat for faster germination can potentially reduce time to 7-10 days. Peppers can be grown all year long in containers.