Caladium is an ornamental plant with beautiful and auspicious leaves. There are many different and unique colors. Until it was hailed as the Queen of the Leafy Plants. Caladium native to South America and tropical countries.
It should be planted in a humid and hot sun and the soil for planting should be loam and, in the soil, should contain organic matter, such as decaying leaf litter. And should use bio-fertilizers (manure) and should not be too much because the soil will saline it should be watered both morning and evening. For example, planted in the hot sun because the tree will burn and the plant will die.
It is a plant that needs light to produce pigment. But the light must have a material to camouflage about 50% of the temperature around 18-24 degrees Celsius. Bon color needs high humidity. If the weather is too dry should spray water to the leaves frequently. Need a lot of water, not wet should be watered properly and regularly.
There are 4 ways to propagate in the rainy season.
- Separate shoots by dividing the shoots that emerge from the root of the mother plant.
- Cut the head, use a head that is no more than 1 year old to help the new plant grow faster and stronger. Taken in clean sand or brick. Or use rice husk ash without alkalinity Watering with anti-fungicide When starting to produce about 1-2 leaves, they are moved into the soil or pots.
- Pollination When the flowers bloom around 19:00 - 20:00 PM Pollination. The flowers will be mixed within a week and the pods will mature within 30 days. The seeds can be cultivated.
- Tissue culture or bud spinning to cultivate a piece of tissue growing in a controlled environment with temperature, humidity, light until it forms a tissue group and develops a new.
Quantity:Β 2 Bulb