100 Mixed Cactus Seeds

100 Mixed Cactus Seeds

Regular price $21.00 Sale

Mixed Cactus Seeds, All shapes sizes and colors.

The seeds will be mixed in one bag and not individual labeled.

 A very diverse assortment of cacti of all sizes and shapes seeds including:

Cereus, Golden Barrel, Parodia, Hedgehogs, Mammillarias, Notocactus, Opuntias, Organ pipes, Ferocactus, Gymnocalycium, Saguaro and many more.

Cactus seed germination:

Fill a pot with good draining soil. You can use cactus soil or 50% regular potting soil with 50% coarse sand.
Put the seeds on top.

Add a thin top layer of coarse sand. If the seeds are extremely small (like Lithops and Echeveria) then do not apply a top layer. Thick seeds usually germinate better after a 24 hour soak in water.

Let the pot soak up water (from beneath) for 5 minutes.

Let excess water drip away.
Put the pot with seeds in a zip-lock bag. Make sure humidity is high.

Good moisture, good drainage,very bright light, heat and aeration are important factors for high germination rates. Germination with take anywhere between 1 week and 4 months. Do not give up on your seeds and keep your soil constantly moist will ensure eventual success.

Never let your seedlings dry out. Keep watering the pot from beneath  Apply good ventilation to prevent mold.

When seedlings sprout spray them with a light mist often enough to keep moist. Continue protecting them from hot direct sunlight. For the first few weeks of growth moisture in the soil every one to four days. Once the plans are established water every 1 to 4 weeks.

When mature enough after 2 months to 5 month depending upon the species and the specific condition in your garden the new plants can be moved from the incubation condition to indirect sun or possibly full sun in the garden or patio be careful not to sunburn the little plants when they are moved from the germination station to the outdoors.

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