Seaberry Seeds - Sea Buckthorn | Edible Medicinal Berry Fruit Tree
Amazing saline and drought tolerance and bountiful fruit yields from female plants. Soil stabilizing (nitrogen-fixing) and cold weather hardy as well. Native to Europe and Asia. Sea Buckthorn berries are considered a superfood. Medicinally, the fruit contains a high anti-oxidant content and is packed with vitamins (outstanding 9X vitamin C profile).
Hippophae rhamnoides also contain a high oil content.
Most use Sea Buckthorn for making hot tea. It is also used in Jams, Jellies, and Juice and mixed with other fruits as a cold beverage concoction. Sea berries can also be dried and eaten like raisins.
How to care for Seaberry/Sea Buckthorn Plants Sea Buckthorn plants will grow in a variety of soil types. They even grow in low-nutrient soils and in drought conditions. Just the same they grow best in full sun and neutral to acidic soils and can be grown in ex-large containers and/or pots. Space plants 10 ft apart from one another. Together, the shrubs work as a hedge, so it is ideal to plant them all in a long row. Also, planting them this way will ensure fruiting occurs (so that male plants will be able to pollinate the female plants nearby). These shrubs can grow up to 30 ft tall if not pruned.
Germination Procedure: If not planted in the fall for overwintering, the seeds require a 1-3 month cold/moist stratification before sowing to simulate winter conditions. Scarify the seeds by soaking them in water for 2 days in order to soften the seed coating. Sow seeds overtop moist soil and keep them near the top soil line (the seeds need sunlight to germinate). Germination time: 2 weeks after sowing.
I received my order about 5 days after purchasing it. The envelope was from an individual (I'm assuming whatever seeds you order come from the person who has the stock available). Everything was exactly what I ordered. Good transaction. 👍